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WoW Mag

Member Profile: Indre Butkeviciute, WoW member, 'Energy Fairy' & founder of The Be Well Club.

Writer's picture: Ivana MartinIvana Martin

Our WoW members are the core of our organisation, the incredible minds, passions and concepts, connecting with the whole WoW community, sharing their knowledge, ingenuity and flair. Our WoW Member Profiles are the ideal way for you to get to know them as we dive a little deeper into their inspiring businesses and backgrounds. WoW exists to enable women in business to work smarter, to craft a sustainable, growing business, with a routine that works, making the most of their time and invaluable expertise. Indre Butkeviciute’s approach to helping women balance out their health and lifestyle is so incredibly in tune with this, we were thrilled to feature her as our first WoW Woman, entrepreneur and business leader in our Member Profile series.

The wonder of Indre’s approach is that it is a sustainable change set to transform the way women prepare themselves to tackle life and their all-around health. A mother herself, she is all-too-familiar with the struggles that come with balancing motherhood - especially new-found motherhood - with a healthy mind and body which allow you to tackle the rest of your life - work, social and achieving any health goals you may have.

Indre tells us that good nutrition has always been instilled in her and, having been active from an early age, this knowledge and drive has only grown, developing into a keen awareness of the impact of our choices on our overall health, from our activity to the food we consume, but also making sure the products we use are as non-toxic as possible. Enhancing her investment in health and nurturing her holistic approach was the birth of her son, Leonardo, who suffered from reflux while breastfeeding - this fueled her need to understand the impact of nutrition and gut health. It has been this personal experience and journey that has prepared and ignited her to help other women to educate and equip themselves with the tools to achieve their full potential.

‘We believe everyone can FLOURISH by being good to themselves’ - Arbonne

Indre partnered with the Arbonne brand who align so well with Indre’s approach and, in March of 2021, launched her wonderful Be Well membership, a subscription box that supports Indre’s 3 pillars:

Nutrition. Movement. Mindset.

Indre believes that these three factors need to work in unison to achieve optimum potential. Nutrition to fuel us in the best way possible, unrestrictive and tailored to our own needs. Movement to recharge our energy. And Mindset to help us achieve, if this is not nurtured, the other two pillars will become a struggle too. The beauty of this approach is how each pillar lends and leans on the other two - all three must be cared for.

While the premise of this approach is so simple, the execution, as I’m sure we all know, is not so simple and the assistance offered through Indre’s Be Well membership, wrapped up in one customisable box, brings you all the elements and support you need to succeed.

We are introducing the first in our series of “Ask The Expert” and kicking things off with Indre herself. Head over to our social pages to ensure you don’t miss out on this and be sure to explore and follow Indre’s Instagram page too @myperfectdolcevita.

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