Celebrating Mother's Day in Italy

Yesterday was Mother’s Day in Italy. As women, we care about the world and the future generations. Therefore we are all mums and we have to celebrate all women despite having a child or not, for all the circumstances or choices they make.
Developing a business as a woman, it’s like looking after a child or/an upcoming child, many obstacles are to be made through to get to finalise a project or to make a business successful.
Today is very important to always bring awareness about women and how they go through different phases of obstacles in life, such as motherhood. As everyone knows, motherhood, for some women might be a difficult topic to bring up as many suffer from different medical problems or others decide that it is not the moment to have children.
An example can be made with Gabrielle Caunesil, a French origin influencer, living in Italy that runs a clothes company, which at a very young age found out she is suffering from endomendometriosis, which affects women of different ages and many times affect the possibility of getting pregnant, which leads to infertility. However, even though doctors and many other people were implying that it might be almost impossible for her to get pregnant, Gabrielle never gave up and even at the background of her post went through a difficult phase and always informed her followers about her conditions, explaining them to never give up and the time for you be successful will always come.
WoW takes inspirations from real stories of real women and understand their different struggles in their private and/or business life, such as their business and Gabrielle one is a great example for women of every age and profession that there is always hope at the end of the road and giving up is not an option.